It's not you, my blog, it's me

Hello, blog. Yes, I know, I haven't written in a long time. I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me. I could make up some excuse about only writing about travels that involve airplanes, but you'd see that for what it is: a shallow cover-up of my generally lazy tendencies. No, there's no one else. Really, check my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Even Buzz. They are equally bereft of my quality sardonic wit.

Since we're being all honest with each other, I have a few things to tell you. This may be hard for you to hear, but here goes. We have done many interesting things since you and I last got together, and several of them even involved travel. In other words, they belonged in a blog called Eagletravels. Are you OK? Should I go on? There was Pinecrest over Labor Day weekend, our 20th anniversary trip to Debbie's house. The fall was full of football games (Stanford and flag) and birthday parties and the holidays a whirlwind of parties and fun. But none of those involved travel, so, strictly speaking, you weren't left out. Does that make you feel any better?

Winter, on the other hand, involved many trips to the mountain house and lots of good skiing. And in the Spring and early Summer … Headwaters, Point Reyes, and a great Shasta climb. All without you.

So again, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better. No, not try, do. I will do better, I promise. Like really soon now I'm going to tell you all about our trip to the Northwest. See? Things are improving already.

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