Why are they playing softball in London?

Although baseball is the national pastime, it's pretty rare to go to a park in the US and see people playing it. Yes, you often see a Dad playing with a son, usually in the spring before Little League season, but how often do you stroll through a park and see a whole bunch of grown-ups playing pick-up games? Not organized leagues, but genuine pick-up games? Not too often.

But here in London, we've seen it all the time. Groups of young adults, men and women, playing softball. Green Park, Regents, Hyde, there they are. They don't always get it right: in one game they ran on foul balls, which is very cricket-like, isn't it? In another about 10 people stood in line to bat, which strikes me as quite British. It's the on deck circle, guys, not the on deck queue.

I've seen more softball games than soccer or cricket. Why? Maybe this is a corporate team bonding ritual that is sweeping the city. Maybe it's a dating service - meet your spouse on 2nd base! Perhaps they are actually playing baseball's predecessor, rounders, which is kind of cool if that's the explanation. Or maybe it's just a plain old invasion. Like the weather and the pedestrian target practice that is London streets, it remains a mystery.

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